Rage Against the Machine Biography




Guitar Tab






tom morello

He is considered by some people (including me), the best guitarist of the 90s. Morello adds strange and new sounds to Rage songs, and I think that's what make them that different. He was born in Ney York City in 1964 but he lived in Libertyville, Illinois with his mother, who is actually that Lady who introduced rage at Lollapalooza: "the best fucking band in the universe". His mother is also a founding member of "Parents for Rock & Rap", an anti-censorship organization. His father was a member of the Mau Mau Guerrilla in Kenya, which fought against the British colones. Tom Morello has got a degree from the Harvard University in Political Sciences with honours. Probably he is the brains in the band, adding that to Zack's anger, we'll get a formidable pair. Tom once worked as the secretary of senator Alan Cranston, and some lady called him explain how upset she was seeing black people moving to her town. Morello told her she was the problem, and called her unknowingly racist. After that he was fired.

source: Angry Soul