Rage Against the Machine Bass Guitar Tab
born of a broken man Source: unknown Transcribed By: Paul Fivey p.fivey@dundee.ac.uk There is no bass in the verses. Chorus riff: N.B. try prebending and releasing the G# note on the 5th fret 1st string. G--------------------------------------------------- D--------------------------------------------------- A--------------------------------------------------- D-0---6/5-3-0--7-0-0--3-0--x-x-x-x-3-0--7-0-0--3-0-- In the bridge they play G----------------------- D----------------------- A----------------------- D-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--------- three times then: G--------------------------------------------------- D--------------------------------------------------- A--------------------------------------------------- D-0---6/5-3-0--7-0-0--3-0--x-x-x-x-3-0--7-0-0--3-0-- East as that. I'd suggest playing the muted notes as close to the nut as possible to get the right sound with no harmonics. |